The Women Who’ve Come Before

We are separate and individual but we are also part of a never-ending link of those who have come before us and those who will come after. We hold the hands of our ancestors through the cyclical DNA we share, through our quirks and commonalities. We honor ourselves when we honor the women who’ve come before and in turn our offerings ignite the next generation.

Those who’ve come before us have dug the ditches, formed a foundation, and it is up to each one of us to creatively construct the next layer in order to move forward, or heal and let go of what’s holding us back. We do this painstaking work to carry the rich gifts life offers to the next level. We are ever-evolving and ever-opening to this mystery. It’s the work of living an authentic life, of expressing the truth of who we are at our core, and every generation digs deeper into this wellspring of wholeness.

When we deepen our awareness of where we’ve come from, our lineage and the women who worked it before, we help right the trajectory of our own lives. Each of us is an invaluable link in the transmission of knowledge, adding to the great work of living life with deeper connections, continuity, and community. To get there we need clarity about the previous pitfalls that are sometimes handed down generationally, the old ruts that are easy to get stuck in. Each of these women’s journeys provides us with needed clues and insights and what’s been means something for the bigger picture. There lives matter to us now as we go forward and create the next chapter.

Our grateful awareness is the key to making the connections that enable us to see deeper into the truth of ourselves and what we need. These are the gifts we gain when we reflect on those who have come before. Look back at the women in your family, often they point to the very things working in your life right now. Dig under the surface, they are there in the heavy decisions we all have to make, the fears we have to face. We embody the same spirit and fight of our mothers and grandmothers in what we do now and have the opportunity to heal old woundings by taking the steps they couldn’t.

Here we stand at the forefront of that lineage and look back with wonder and gratitude for all the small and large miracles they performed to get us to where we are now. Now it is our turn. Strong women who lived the unthinkable live in our bones. Let’s do them justice, let’s give ourselves more of the unimaginable freedoms they were searching for in mind, body, and soul.

Happy Mother’s Day to every woman changing the course of the world with each next step.


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