Legends, Myths, and Fairy Tales, Oh My!

There is an endless amount of useful information hidden away in legends, myths, and fairy tales. Jung picked this idea up and followed it down to its roots. In reality they’re a map of the evolution of the psyche and a way to help simplify the process of seeing what goes on inside. These stories are metaphors for the process, growth, and cycles that naturally occur as the psyche expands and evolves. The soul and psyche do not evolve like the ego does, it’s not a linear and logical march. Legends, myths, and fairy tales help us discover the mystery, and do I have to say it – it moves in mysterious ways. That’s why we have to go about it sideways, circumambulate it, or read a tale about it.

These stories may seem simple or nonsensical on the surface, but all they  really need is some unpacking. Every symbol and situation contain a complicated clue that interfaces and resonates deep within us. It points us in the direction of what we can’t fully know and helps us cultivate a connection to it. Although these tales talk about exterior situations they are really speaking the language of inner transformation. This slippery information has to come in a non-linear way because what it talks about isn’t completely logical. We catch a glimpse of the soul’s eternity by being open to the unusual in these stories, but there’s a chasm to cross. Having a solid idea of what we’re searching for, in ways we can actually see and understand, makes the process easier. That’s why legends, myths, and fairy tales matter so much, they are a key that unlocks the mystery.

A professor offered the exercise of reading a fairy tale a night to see what it does to your dreams. These two have quite a bit in common, dream time and fairy tales speak the same language, and both help speed transformation. It’s because dream time is the perfect time to digest and make sense of these internal processes that have been going on since time began. It’s our inner evolution. These ancient stories give us a way to tap into this process through accessing all the hidden information in them and the dream helps us unravel these same mysteries that play out in our personal lives. We feed the soul and promote conscious evolution and growth when we venture into these legends, myths, and fairy tales. Deeper understanding of them fills in the missing pieces of our lives and puts us in full participation with the divine mystery. We own our part of the cosmos. And that’s no fairy tale.

Sweet dreams and happy once upon a times.


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