The Second Coming

I think ordinary human beings are now waking up to see what is in their own matter, their own bodies, in terms of the larger consciousness in all matter. That awareness is coming in physics, mathematics, biology, theology, psychology. I call it the feminine side of God – God in matter. Matter as a metaphor for the Goddess… The Goddess energy is trying to save us.      – Marion Woodman

It’s easy to embrace light, logic, and all that makes rational sense. We construct ourselves and our world with these tools of order and stability which fall into our comfort zone. Now think for a moment about the reality of life and it becomes clear we are only comfortable with half the picture. Take a closer look, there isn’t much order in our lives or in the world. All around us is chaos, uncertainty, and the unknown. These are the things we are not so comfortable with, even they dominate our reality a good part of the time. What is irrational, non-linear, and emotional has to do with the feminine qualities that have a home in our bodies and a life of their own that doesn’t play by the ego’s rules. Here we are not talking of women and men, but of feminine and masculine qualities both women and men possess. We’ve got the masculine qualities and goals down pat, the second coming has to do with welcoming what we don’t know, all the energy that’s been hidden within.

The feminine asks us to embrace the feelings and ideas we’ve been stuffing down, labeled as unacceptable, unworthy, or just plain not good enough. In all reality we’re being asked to get more comfortable with the things that terrify us about ourselves. In these deep waters we do the best we can at any given moment, but anytime we look more closely into our own darkness it has a healing effect, not only for us but for those around us. Instead of externalizing our issues as someone else’s problem we acknowledge their home in us. This is the second coming, it’s coming home to the totality of who we are. We come home to all the parts of ourselves, not just the pieces we know and love. In the end it is never one extreme or the other, it always has to be both. One-sidedness is hollow, it’s the dynamic combination of opposites that brings new life into our life.

And we need the darkness as much as we need the light. The darkness asks us to be honest about who we are. This is a place of no more hiding. The harder the task appears, the more it needs doing. The more we want to run from ourselves, our feelings and fears, the more we need to stand and face them. What the feminine calls us to do is honor all of it, the confusion as well as the comfort, what haunts us as well as what we admire. The darker, less familiar aspects have much to teach us about the nature of our self, others, and the world. The only time we really get to choose is when we are clear about what the choices are and why we are making them. It’s not possible to build a wall to keep out what frightens us or makes us nervous. The truth is those things are already inside. The second coming is owning the darkness within so we don’t keep perpetuating it in the world. When we own our part in the collective darkness we come into the light.

So ready yourself for what’s on its way, at last, it’s time to come home to the wholeness that’s been waiting for you on the inside.


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