Who Are We Really Mad At?

The current political climate has been devastating for me, not just as a woman, but also as being part of a culture of tolerance for bad behavior. I have rage and I’m sure many people share that rage whether we agree on the politics or not. And although I don’t like to talk about the everyday in such a culturally concrete way, when this much anger is stirred up we can be sure something major is going on in the unconscious. There is a new idea ready to surface, a new way of living on the horizon. If we’re honest, we’re all raging about something. It’s easy to point the finger but it’s a good idea to start with our self and see what’s really going on inside.

Here’s the awful question we each need to ask ourselves – where am I complicit? Ouch, that one hurts. In our lives, in our world, where are we doing the same kind of thing? Trust me it may not look the same but the root is of the same poisonous tree. Often these intense emotions and their triggers point to transformation. This is never a smooth ride, no matter how much we wish it could be. That is a child’s fairy tale. All change and transformation, inner and outer, involves tumult, discomfort, and often the blowing up of everything that was. In order for new insight to dawn we have to wade through all the prickly thinking that undoes us and our safe routines. When emotions around a particular person, event, or circumstance become overwhelming we know we’re in the midst of transforming from what use to be acceptable to what is now intolerable.

Here’s where our voices come in, we’re only complicit when we remain silent. We may not have to march on Washington, although it couldn’t hurt, but we do have to speak up when we feel marginalized, taken advantage of, or assaulted, in any area or arena of our lives. Trust me the powers that be in any part of our life are counting on our silence. Whatever it is that has us in their grips has us in part because we let them. And although we’ve raised our voices it still may seem we are not being heard, we have to keep speaking up until our voice is recognized and responded to.

So it’s time to say it out loud and to relentlessly speak up until we’re not only heard, but changes are made. Our voice is our responsibility, no one else can speak for us. But we can join together in speaking up and become a force that won’t be refused.

Start warming up your pipes, it’s time to say it loud.


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