The Voice We Bring

Sometimes I am struck by how very foreign things resonate so deeply within me. Exotic cultures, different attitudes, and ways of living I don’t know anything about somehow feel so familiar. I think of the lives we live now as the summation of all that’s ever been, perhaps everything that’s been locked inside from the beginning of time. We are simply the next cosmic step.

Jung said the two million year old man lives within each one of us. That vestiges of all that’s come before, our ancestors and their intuition, knowledge, rites, and rituals, all swirls around in us even if we aren’t conscious of it. Somehow our deepest and truest home has always been inside. This is the place where all the illusive and ephemeral somehow intersect and readies us for what’s next.

The next cosmic step is both individual and communal. It comes as we curate our authentic voice and find our place in the larger community. If we take a closer look we’ll see we’re part of a web that connects us all. This may be some of the reason why we find aspects of what’s foreign in other cultures to be so comforting, somewhere we do know, we’ve known all along, it’s always been inside. All that’s left to do is honor what we find there. Embracing what’s new, unknown, and sometimes a little unnerving, allows for the unfolding of these long lost secrets hidden within.

These are the pieces of our soul that seek expression. We give them a voice by attuning ourselves to their subtler frequency. This is the level where we all link up, down in the mysterious, creative soup. It’s why scientists, artists, inventors, and writers all magically get a similar idea or have the same break though at the same time. This is the level where we all connect and build off of one another to get to what’s next. We may all go to the same well but each of us draws up a different bucket of water. That is why the voice we bring matters. We have our part to contribute, if we refuse the world isĀ  poorer for it.

So speak up and share what’s remained hidden for far too long. We each have a voice that wants to be heard and our voice matters. Maybe not to millions of people but it is enough to matter to just one other. This is how the universe connects us all, one person at a time, one story at a time, one voice at a time. Know that you aren’t alone in doing the sacred work of the soul and letting it heal more than just yourself.

So bring your voice, soft or strong, and make your contribution.


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