Solstice Ceremony

As we approach the Summer Solstice I think more and more about the round of the year, its natural ebb and flow, and how our lives mirror these cycles. If we’ll listen the universe will give us all the clues we need. Summer Solstice is a time when nature is at her full power. The long days, warm weather, and everything in full bloom echoes this power. But this year it makes me think about all my power I leave on the table and all the ways I don’t speak up for myself.

As we come to the longest day of the year, when everything is at its zenith, it inspires me to come into and own my full power. If we don’t remind ourselves about our possibilities and potential parts of us pale and fade. Maybe we feel embarrassed about who we are, or that old nagging voice hangs on telling us we aren’t enough, or if we only did or had a certain something then we’d be ok. The cosmic trick is to accept all of who we are right in this moment. And to do that we need to own it. We own everything we are in all its facets and elements, creative, sexual, spiritual, inspirational, and visionary. All of who we are is useful and necessary. And we need it all.

And for me it always comes down to words, to giving the formless feelings and ideas a home on the page. We can’t own what we don’t acknowledge. Writing down the truth is a ceremony of coming to terms with what is. So this Solstice is an opportunity to write it all down, take it all in, and reclaim our personal power. I’m an organizer so I tend to write in segments of time, stages of growth, life lessons, or whatever categories feel most right. It’s a way to enter a small side door to the elegant and immense temple of the self.

Take each area of your life and write out where you already possess your personal power, then write where you want to incorporate more of it.  Where are you comfortable with your power and where do you give it away? You could just as easily write it as one long stream of consciousness kind of deal too. What’s important is to get as much down as possible. What we’re looking for in the words is what we look for in life, something that strikes a deep chord and resonates. Greater awareness guides us to the next step. The words will point to what you love, want more of, or want to change. These first words are only a jumping off point for the life you’ll consciously begin to create.

Writing down all that we are in this moment and all that we wish to become is a powerful tool. Are we sexy, stubborn, silly, insecure? We need to give ourselves permission to be the fabulous and flawed person we are right now. Acknowledging who we are and living the truth of that everyday is how we take our power back.

When we can accept our complexities and that we’re enough we become our most powerful self.

Happy Solstice!


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