Singing Our Own Song

There’s humming a tune and then there’s belting out an operatic aria. The question always comes down to how much will we allow ourselves to express who we really are. How loudly we sing our song is directly related to how fully we live our life, not the duties we feel bound to but the song of the soul that can no longer be ignored.

The how of singing our song gets a little complicated and often we get caught in a web of our own making that stifles and stymies us. Breaking those knots and burning away illusions that have controlled our lives is the hard work of warming up for the high notes.

We know our song when we see it. Something aligns deep in our soul and says a cosmic yes. Then we have a choice, to follow or refuse. One choice sets us free, the other shackles us. We may go on to live a perfectly nice life, but the energy that shone like the sun and jolted us into another dimension is muted and a void is created. The feeling of something missing persists leaving us wondering and longing for those possibilities we were afraid to follow. The good news is those chances always come around again! We keep listening for the song of the soul so when opportunity appears we are prepared.

Cultivating our authenticity is some of the most difficult work we will ever encounter. We will suffer, wallow, struggle, and sob until that ineffable something clicks and we find our self in new territory. It’s the rich territory of the soul that knows what it wants and this sets us free. Finally what is alive and true for us on the inside has a home in the outside world. This feeling has no equal. This kind of freedom finally comes because we follow the path that is ours alone to follow. When we step out on the other side and live what carries deep meaning for us we sing our song for all to hear.

Singing our song comes at a cost but so does silence. Start warming up your pipes, it’s time to live the life that has been calling.


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