The In-Between

Today is a triple whammy! It is Spring Equinox, Ostara, (the Pagan holiday corresponding to Easter), and a full moon. And if you follow the seasons at all it will feel like an immense shifting of the internal universe, that’s because everything happening outside always effects what’s going on within us. Equinox is that strange in-between time, day and night are perfectly balanced and we stand on the threshold of coming into more light. But for a time it’s not more one than the other, it’s both equally.

Life can feel a lot like this. We are in this continual process of leaving behind what we know without having arrived at what’s next. We are still on the boat making the crossing. Most of the time we want to just get on with it. It’s uncomfortable being in the in-between. But this may be the most real time of any. This is the time when we’re most aware of all we don’t know, of what’s undone that still remains a question, and we just have to live with it.

It’s important to celebrate these in-between times. These are the times when we are most open to change, to the possibility of living differently, of stepping outside our comfortable box and taking a leap of faith. It is also the scariest of times, because anything is possible. Spring is that in-between time as well. A time of waiting, of shedding what no longer suits us and giving time and space for what is new in us to be born. We plant the seeds of what’s to come without knowing what will be.

The full moon echoes this in its own way. It’s symbolic of ourselves at the height of who we are, all the unlimited energy and endless possibilities we possess. We may see the moon as full only part of the month but in fact it is full at every moment. We are just like that full moon, we are always whole, we just don’t see ourselves for who and what we really are most of the time.

Days like this when everything aligns are the perfect time to slip inside the rhythms of nature and embrace our internal patterns that run parallel. At every moment we are enough and we are also constantly regenerating and renewing ourselves. We live the paradox of in-between. So celebrate the day and yourself and the unlimited potential that lives within us at every moment.

Happy Equinox! Happy In-between!


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