Morning Work

I am a morning person. There is no doubt about that. I am one of those irritating people that’s super jazzed at the crack of dawn and ready for anything. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that this feeling is precious. It’s full of power and creativity and has the potential to lead us to new destinations. Even more important is using this time for something we’re passionate about.

The morning is when I get what I call the “real work” done. This is the time I take to journal, draw, decipher dreams, do yoga, and connect to the energy of the day. It’s about coming back to center and grounding. Taking this time for ourselves helps us see with more clarity who we are and what we want to cultivate in our lives. It’s a bit like planning for a spring garden. The real work is to make room for new possibilities, letting who we are on the inside grow and unfold more completely into our daily living. We seed our future with these conscious thoughts and actions.

Begin thinking of this time as sacred, set aside for the work you want to do, a book you want to read, a picture you want to paint, dancing, singing, or whatever it is that makes you feel alive and most like your self. This is how we discover parts of our self we never knew existed and catch a glimpse of what’s on the horizon.

When and how we do our real work may be different, but whatever we choose to do for ourselves needs consistency. Taking time for what is inside gives this new energy room to breathe and take up residence within. If we don’t enter the room of our soul everyday, dusting it off to see what’s really there, we stay stuck in a sort of half life. Our connection to the fragile inner world breaks and what the soul most desires gets lost in the shuffle of the day.

So when do you have a burst of energy? When do you feel most alive? This is a gift from your soul for your soul. Begin channeling that energy towards your self, your desires, and the discovery of what makes life meaningful.

This is the work that will change our lives.


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