Your Love Letter To The World

The way we live our lives is our love letter to the world. For me this blog is part of my love letter. It’s everything that has helped me see more deeply and given me the courage to open to more of myself. It’s the knowledge I’ve gained as I’ve gone though my life and the things that have changed me forever. This blog contains the words and ideas that have pulled me out of despair and helped me sort through the confusion in my life and put me in contact with the greater mystery. I’ve worked long and hard amassing what’s made a difference and I want to pass it on. It’s my love letter to anyone who will listen because I love you all: the unknown seekers who bravely search for something more.

Life is full of adversity and complexity, small miracles and ordinary wonders. But what’s for certain is the more bumps we go through the more vistas we discover. This is the important information that needs to be shared, it’s the kind of knowledge that has the power to make each of us stronger. Our journeys will be different but there are always more similarities and the more we share the more we recognize this truth. So what is your love letter to the world? What have you uncovered, how do you want to share it? By volunteering, teaching, writing, speaking, drawing, or being kind to all you meet?

Growing up my mother had a good friend who endlessly amazed me, she never had a cruel word to say about anyone. She was kind to everyone she met. That’s a powerful love letter to the world. And after all these years I remember her generosity of spirit clearly. If all any of us ever did was to be kind to everyone we came into contact with what a beautiful world this would be.

So compose your love letter by living it. Live your love letter everyday in as many ways as possible. Share it with everyone you meet. We all make a difference when we share the gifts we’ve got.


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