A Helping Hand

I think about this blog as a way of building bridges. A bridge that connects what gives meaning to our life in a context that makes sense. The fact is it’s all been said before. The only thing that’s new is how we will solve the mystery for ourselves. What’s new is our personal experience of the mysteries life has to offer. And we don’t have to reinvent the wheel, we can get a helping hand, building on a foundation that already exists. It’s the writers, thinkers, artists, and musicians that resonate with us, that spark connections and make us feel like we’ve come home. We can begin with their words, dig deeper into what they have to say, and bring our own words, with our own feelings, and the connections that catch us to the mix. This creates a bridge from what has been seen, understood, and lived to what we are seeing, understanding, and living right now.

History is a repeating story of rediscovering the mystery anew. Each of us recovers a different aspect or avenue to it, whether it’s Beethoven, Shakespeare, or our crazy Aunt Marion, we are each understanding and interpreting the world around us in our own unique way. But no matter who we are we all get what we need in order to make sense of our self and the world. All of the lessons we learn, the people we love, the lives we create are a bridge for us to walk over and make the discovery of our most essential self and find our place in the universe. All we need to do is take the time and energy to cross it.

What does it take to step onto our own path? My friend often says we can thank the people who made us miserable enough to change. Part of the journey is discomfort. We have to be uncomfortable enough on our side of the bridge to venture over to the other side. Perhaps we need to be looking at what’s currently making us miserable, then we can begin to find our way out of that misery. This is where the ideas of others can help, they are like little clues left along the path that help direct us home. Every little change, every insight is another step on the path of becoming acquainted with ourselves. It’s a mistaken notion to believe it is some big realization, that a single overwhelming vision makes everything perfectly clear. The hard truth is we are constantly evolving, we are constantly changing bit by bit. We accomplish the journey by consciously taking every new step. Discovering more of our self is in every small detail of our life and the quality we bestow on simple moments. There is nothing new under the sun, but all the sign posts are there, and we have the words and ideas of others to get us heading in the right direction. We just have to begin.

Our journey is to make sense of life and our part in it in our own particular way. So start picking your own words from the great thinkers and seers that have gone before. String together the knowledge that makes sense to you, that makes you feel more alive and vital. Let those words be a lamp on the dark parts of the path. We’re not alone in the search. This search that has been going on since time began, but we can borrow from others until what makes sense for us becomes second nature.

Let the words of those who have gone before guide us to where we want to be.


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Alia Pollet

Kristen! I was very moved by this post, and find it speaks to the space in time I am at right now. Particularly when you reference your friend that tells you to thank those individuals that made you miserable enough to change. When someone comes into my life and hurts me, or makes me feel less than, I thank the universe for putting that person on my path to teach me a lesson. This concept is very strong in my shift through the changing of the season. Miss and love you dear one! Xoxo