Law Of Resonance

The energy you are emitting is your conversation with the universe, and from that conversation your life unfolds. – Maria Erving

I’m from California so I grew up talking a lot about “vibes.” Everyone did, it was just part of the daily round, but I realize that not everyone thinks this way. Instead vibes are seen as mystical or some new-agey idea, but really it’s just energy. The energy we send out and the energy we receive. You walk into a warm and welcoming home and you can feel the good vibes, it makes you want to stay awhile, or you come upon two angry people arguing with each other, that’s a bad vibe you can’t wait to get away from. There’s the vibe of your favorite teacher, or the vibe of an idea that captivates your imagination. My friends’ parents had vibes, some of which were open and relaxed and others which were rigid and judgemental. Well you get the picture, absolutely everything has it’s own vibe. As it turns out vibes are really a thing, and Resonance Physics studies and quantifies it. Vibrations, or vibratory patterns, oscillate and have a larger impact on the surroundings. See, it’s not so crazy hippy after all.

Everything is energy. What the Law of Resonance talks about is specific systems of vibrating energy and how they effect what they come into contact with. Similarly we draw to us the same vibratory pattern that resonates within us as ideas, perspectives, and people. We are like tuning forks that pull like people and things closer to us. We could say we find our tribe by using our vibes. Jung did, he just used a different vocabulary. Jungian psychology talks about how what constellates outside of us is a direct reflection of what is constellated within us. These two worlds, inner and outer, have a reciprocal relationship.

We can talk about our mood on any given day, because what we feel on the inside has everything to do with the vibes we send out into the world. When we’re happy there is a feeling of buoyancy, a sense of seamless flow to the day, and nothing seems to bother us. People around us pick up on this energy and respond in kind. Same goes if we’re in a bad mood, everything we do, say, or think is colored by our emotion, people annoy us, we seem to get stuck in more traffic than usual, or everything irritates, even bunnies and puppies. This is when people (and bunnies and puppies) seem to stay away from us, or we find everyone we encounter is being a real jerk. But really it’s the state of our energy. What we feel effects how we experience everything around us, and how everyone and everything else experiences us.

Are we joyous and expectant, or scared and tentative? Everything adds to the vibes we give out and the life we create around us. This resonance and natural pull between what is happening within and without is part of the workings of the universe that usually goes unnoticed. If we pay attention to what is happening on the inside we’ll better understand what’s going on in our days. That’s because part of the answer is already on the inside, and we can feel it. If we follow that feeling we’ll effortlessly draw to us everything that makes us feel whole and alive.

When we tune in to what resonates with our own authentic vibe, we can hear what’s really calling to us and start following where it leads.


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