Particles and Predestination

Well, you see, it is like this. Absolutely everything is fixed, and absolutely everything can be changed at any time. – Maharishi

I was thinking about the uncertainty principle and quantum jitters. What’s really interesting is that photons have a moment of hesitation before moving in a particular direction, as if they are choosing which direction they will go. It’s not a given and it’s not random, there seems to be a decision made. Somehow it’s both unfathomable and obvious, just like the above quote. It makes me laugh long and hard about the mystery that surrounds us yet goes unnoticed everyday. It’s easy to forget that we are always choosing our destiny, by the decisions we choose to make and those we choose not to make. There are repercussions from all of it, the omissions as well as our meticulously planned choices. But the fact remains we always have the opportunity to choose. And the more conscious we are not only creates more thoughtful outcomes, it also ensures we will have more chances at choosing what’s meaningful for us.

The greater awareness we have at the time of deciding the more we guide our destiny rather than cruising towards a determined fate. Choosing can be hard but living with what comes from neglecting to make a choice can be devastating. Either way we have to suffer the decision, there’s no end around. We are always giving up one thing for something else. Even the choices we want to make can be difficult, and it’s difficulty is proportional to how much it matters to us. This is where the water can get really murky. It’s part of the reason we sometimes stay in situations that aren’t so great for us, choosing something different feels overwhelming. It takes lots of work and courage to consciously decide to do something different and often foreign to us. Strong emotions can blur the best choice for us and there is always a sacrifice of some sort involved. We are asked to let go of what was in our lives, of the person we were, and grieve the death of our current state in order to get to what’s next. But just like those particles we get to choose, we aren’t forced, we aren’t inevitably drawn. However we are required to be honest about how we feel about what is or isn’t in our lives, and that can be a harsh and demanding kind of honesty.

Ultimately we are learning to listen to our soul speaking about what it wants, what feels right, and what is nurturing and nourishing. If we listen we’ll hear the words our inmost being is telling us. We are also free to make the most destructive choices, it can offer incredible transformation, but it’s a tough road that can take it’s toll. In the end we get a little bit of everything life has to offer, the pain and the pleasure. Either way, every day, every moment, we are choosing what we let into our lives and what we exclude. That’s on us. Trust me when I tell you we’ll have more than one shot at the golden ring. But we do need to prepare in order to grab it when it comes around again.

We have so much in common with the tiniest particles because we ultimately we are all made up of the same stuff, and even down there at the simplest level there is still a choice.


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