Answering The Call

We are all called. If we pay close enough attention we’ll see that everything calls to us all the time. Sometimes we are just too tired to pick up the phone. Exercise more, call a friend, eat more veggies, be kinder to our self, tell your spouse you love them. Trust me, we all hear it, often we’re so overwhelmed with the chaos of life we just choose to ignore it. Then there is the call to rescue a cat, start a charity, write a book. We have a choice to heed them, to make a change, or a commitment, or we can just keep going in our chosen ruts that keep the status quo. Then there are the big calls, a parent dies, a child is born, our house burns down. These are the calls we finally can’t ignore.

But all of these different calls ask the same question of us. Are we going to take the time and expend the energy to become more of who we really are? Are we going to dig deep, overcome grief and adversity and grow towards a greater wholeness or not? It’s really that simple, we choose everyday which way we’ll go. Who we are is defined by the calls we answer. Listening and responding to the small voice that whispers what’s really true for us shapes who we become. We can embrace or ignore as many calls as we like. But the more we ignore them, the smaller our lives become. It leaves us empty, wondering what it all means, if anything matters. We atrophy.

The antidote is action. We listen to what is called of us. The more we listen the more we are directed towards wholeness, the more we are guided to become more of who we inherently are, and the more we find community and connection with others. When we answer these calls our life expands. It grows exponentially, it begins to breathe us. We become the more we never dreamed of, we become the answer we’ve been looking for. This is the greatest gift of all. We don’t have to be called to heal the world. (Although if you are I say go for it!! The world needs all the healing it can get.) We just have to pay attention to what is calling us. The call can be small, the important part is to answer it.

Answering all the small calls adds up to living a bigger life.


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