Everyday Mystic

“Your work is not to drag the world kicking and screaming into a new awareness. Your job is to simply do your work…Sacredly, Secretly, and Silently…and those with ‘eyes to see and ears to hear’ will respond.” – The Arcturians

Meditation is such a great way to slow down and focus. But all around us everyday are other opportunities to take a breath and find the depth in ordinary moments. I think of my husband and his obsession for both golf and fishing. I think of him standing out there casting his line, or lining up a putt, and the focus and silence that is required. I think we all need more of these kinds of moments in our lives.

Moments where we can slow down and take some time out from the craziness of the day. Any excuse to slow down and be introspective is a moment to be an everyday mystic. Quilting or knitting, photography, drawing, all of these do much the same thing, they give us a chance to be still within that moment of paying deep attention to what you’re doing.

There is no one way, and no right way to find the zen in these everyday moments. I think there are lots of opportunities built into the day to experience these inner moments of peace and solitude. Maybe it’s while waiting to pick up your child from school, or waiting in line at the grocery store, all these kinds of moments give us the opportunity to cultivate stillness and depth, to wiggle into the spaces in between the endless rounds of the day. These gaps in time while going through the car wash, or waiting on hold, offer up the opportunity to be right where you are, in this moment.

Becoming an everyday mystic is about grabbing these moments as they present themselves, instead of throwing them away, or just getting through them. It’s taking each opportunity, each moment, and really living it consciously. These moments provide the opportunity to transform the feeling, tone, or quality of the now, as it presents itself, not as we wish it would be, but as it is. Again and again we have the chance to choose how we approach and live each moment of our day. 

The world is so loud, so congested, it’s soothing for the soul to balance these hectic moments with cultivated moments of quiet, the silence of the soul. This brings out the everyday mystic in all of us.

These little moments need to be nurtured, just like anything else, but once it takes root, these moments find their way into our lives. The more we reclaim these mystical moments of reverie, of the silence of being, the more they inhabit our lives. We become the walker between worlds. The worlds of quiet and activity, of being and doing, bringing more of the unseen into our daily lives.

Here’s to stealing more silence.


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