Birthing The Baby

There are all kinds of babies that need to be birthed, but here I’m talking about our ideas, inspirations, visions, and gifts, the special offerings that only we can make. And trust me when I tell you there is a real physical labor required to birth new parts of ourselves and these new ways of being. It can be painful, confusing, and draining.

This is exactly what happened when I birthed my baby, my book Seeding The Soul. That labor, also known as the final edit, lasted about a month. When I wasn’t working my full-time job I was working on birthing parts of myself I’d lost along the way and other parts I didn’t even know existed. On my days off I didn’t get out of my pj’s until dinner time, when finally I had to do something else before my fingers fell off or I fell asleep in my office chair. This is the kind of labor required to get to what’s next.

Birthing these real, and sometimes very fragile parts, of ourselves calls upon every resource we’ve ever tapped and then tapping into things we never thought we were capable of. Yes there is relief on the other side of birthing the baby but there is something else even better, if slightly less tangible to talk about, the illusive feeling of wholeness and alignment with our truest self.

What comes from taking the time to listen and be with that fragile voice we may hardly acknowledge is a sincere trust in ourselves, our capabilities, and syncing up with universal timing. How to describe the indescribable? All I know is that I would climb the mountain again and again because the climb is where we find what we’re really made of. We find ourselves in that struggle, in the wrestling with the unknown, even in those times of hopelessness when it feels as if the work will never be done. All of who we are comes to the surface in this excruciating process.

And on the other side of the magnificent birthing is calmness, clarity, and the realization of new pieces of who we are. We have been that person all along, the only difference is that now we see clearly. On the other side of the birthing is waking up to this reality and the power of our personal truth. We get to be more of who we are on the inside in the outside world and that is worth all the struggle.

What new worlds are you ready to birth?


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